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South Sound Private Investigations
a division of RIGroup LLC

Private Investigators you can count on.
Your piece of mind at an affordable price.
South Sound Private Investigations is driven to be to be the most professional and honest agency in the region. We don't take on a new case for a paycheck. We take on a new case because we truly want to help our clients find a resolution to their problems. We area able to do this because of our passion to serve, a burning desire to help, and years of experience. Give us a call today to see how we can help you.
​Medical History Data
Current to 10-Year Medical History Check. Data returned: Information returned may include but not limited to- major medical institutions visited, dates of visits. When available- diagnosis, prognosis, doctor’s names and treatment etc.
(In addition to the standard medical records information returned to our clients, for NO EXTRA charge we include Chiropractic, Psychological and Radiology intel where available.)
Pharmacy Prescription History
Data returned: Information returned may include but not limited to- medications and indications, dates of prescriptions, doctor/s and identification of associated doctor/s.
Physical Therapy History
Current to 5-Year Physical Therapy Check
Data returned: Information returned may include but not limited to- objective rehabilitation visits, rehabilitation treatments, locations and indications.
Health Club Check
Data returned: Information returned may include but not limited to- recent and historical visits/memberships by the subject to health clubs or personal trainers, classes and special programs.
Employment History
Current to 2-Year Work History/Current to 5-Year Work History
Data returned: Information returned may include but not limited to- places of employment for subject, job title or trade/union, earnings or estimated earnings, length of employment or estimated length of employment and termination cause.
Social Media Check
Data returned: Information returned may include all open source data Publicly posted for the subject along with Affiliations and Interest. Information connected to the subject of any subversive nature is highlighted as well as information directly related to the subject insurance claim/s if any.
Process Service
Process servers are needed in an assortment of tasks such as filing court papers, serving legal documents, and document retrieval. Their principal job is to deliver or “serve” legal documents to a defendant or person involved in a court case. After serving any legal documents, process servers have to deliver actual evidence that the legal papers were served. Process servers are legally required to serve papers in the correct manner laid out by their state. Process serving laws differ by state, so each individual process server may have a distinctive way of carrying out service.
Prior Claims (Worker's Compensation)
Worker's Compensation Claims Check
Data returned: Information returned may include but not limited to- State or Private Workers Compensation Fund Identification, location of insurer or re-insurer, amount of compensation paid to the subject, time lines and benefit structure.
Combined Benefits History
Social Security Benefits
Check/Unemployment Benefits Check
Data returned: Information returned may include but not limited to- Social Security Administration payments to the subject, history of payments, employer/subject contributions, cause, denials and appeals.
Social Media Check
Data returned: Information returned may include all open source data Publicly posted for the subject along with Affiliations and Interest. Information connected to the subject of any subversive nature is highlighted as well as information directly related to the subject insurance claim/s if any.
Background Investigations
A background check is an investigation into a person’s professional and personal history that validates or disproves their character and identity.
A typical background check includes criminal records, education and employment history, civil records, references, and more depending on the situation and individual.
National Locate
Data returned: Information returned is the current whereabouts of the subject.
Note: If you cannot provide the basic identifier information we can supply that information at an extra cost.
Security Plans - Threat Assessments - help keep adults and children safe and secure when participating in organizations and attending events. From our partners
Important Final Note: Information returned is variable due to records kept or archived by the subject institution and/or repository. All information requested must be requested with an attached “Representation of Need” and a “Hold Harmless”. We only work with end users, business to business, no public sales. All services and pricing are subject to change. We reserve the right to refuse service where deemed appropriate or by matter of law.